Emerging From the Writers Cave
Woohoo! We are back!
Kelly here, and I know, you’ve been thinking where have you been? No blogs were posted for so long… and even if you’re not wondering, we’re going to tell you anyway, lol… so in a nutshell.
We finished our first book (got excited), gave it to beta readers (got more excited), looked for an agent, since that’s what all the big authors do (got disappointed, then more disappointed). Then, here’s the tricky part, had real life jump in to offer its own set of trip ups. This will probably be discussed at some other point, some other post. Got that real life stuff back in order, or at least under control (as best it can be) and focused again on finding our fantasy world a home. Continued looking for an agent (got even more disappointed), then spoke to other authors (got excited), and did what they said. We submitted to publishers (got jump up and down excited).
The Mechanic’s Mate found a home with Soul Mate Publishing and our editor extraordinaire, Cheryl Yeko, is working with us to polish it up. Seriously, we could write another book with the words we cut . . . it would suck, but there would be a lot of words. Yes, maybe there will be a post of all the things we learned while editing, or not, because it may be embarrassing.
We are looking at an August release date and are so excited. We just shared our beautiful cover with everyone here. We’ll create awesome swag. We’ll throw enormous DieselPunk Parties with swing music and dancing (okay, this might be virtual, but still made of awesome). We are planning and plotting and hope to have more soon!
Oh and if you missed it, we were at The Novel Experience Event in Las Vegas earlier this month. Normally what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas, however we can't help but share . . .